Sunday, October 24, 2010


When I first started this venture, Lulu was one of the first people to contact me and sign up. Before this I did not know her at all. In the past week, I feel as though I have gotten to know her extremely well. Not only has she helped me organize this site, but she was one of the first to tell me about her story involving domestic violence. She offered willingly to share her story here. After reading it and talking to her, she is one courageous woman.

"When I was 16 years old I met who I believed was the love of my life.  I was young, a junior in high school, and I had been single for almost two years.  I know that 16 is far too young to be in a serious relationship. I know this now, but at that age I wanted to be committed and have that high school sweetheart relationship.  I put up with arguing and fighting for the next two years.  I never thought that I would find myself stuck in a toxic relationship that would ultimately change my entire life.  That it would change ME. 

I lost all interest in things I loved.  I quit dance classes, I quit painting, I quit playing piano and guitar...I just gave up.  I focused all of my time and energy on trying to fix this relationship.  I tried everything, because this boy (I can't call him a man.) thoroughly convinced me that it was all my fault.  He broke me down, and made me believe that I was worth nothing.  I believed him."

Read more of Lulu's story on the Personal Stories page.

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