Monday, December 6, 2010


Domestic violence is one of those things that some people look at and say "I would never let myself get involved in a situation like that." Especially if you have seen another loved one involved in an abusive relationship. These types of situations can catch you by surprise. You think you have found the perfect mate. Miracle1901's personal story is a perfect example of that. It is also a perfect example of how, no matter how bad it gets, you can always find a way out.

"I watched my mother get beaten within an inch of her life by my step father. The same man who told me he would kill her if i told anyone what he was doing to me...i was seven years old. I believed him for 3 years he did things to me that i wont go into detail about. I finally told her what was happening. She left him and after a week of hiding in a hotel from him he was caught and sent to jail. He killed himself before he had to go to trial.
I told myself I would never let a man hit me. I would would be able to see it coming because I knew what to look for. I always told myself that as I much as I love my mother I would never put myself in a situation like that."
Read more of Miracle1901's story on the Personal Stories page.

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