Friday, November 12, 2010


I have a bunch of personal stories to post...I will try to post at least one a day, if I can. If you would like to submit your story, please email I have a few anonymous ones, so your name does not have to be posted. I will only post what you are comfortable submitting. Here is Isabelle's story. It is one of courage and strength. It shows that even in the face of fear and death threats, you can survive. You can get out. It's not easy, but it is possible.

"I met my ex I was 23. Everything went great for a few years but I should have seen the signs. Now, I know I saw them but chose to ignore them.
My ex is an alcoholic and a drug user. At first, it was a couple of beers and a joint every day but hey, we were young and I didn't see a problem with it. Of course, I should have noticed something was wrong when we moved in together and that he had a column in his budget for beer and weed. Again, I guess I chose to ignore it.
I got pregnant a few years into our relationship and that's when the problems started.
I remember being 5 months pregnant and him pushing me off the bed. I'll always remember that but the next day, he said he was sorry and that he was drunk when he did it. It shouldn't have excused what he did but I forgave him. Next, came the insults. I was fat because I was pregnant and he started to squeeze my arms when dinner was not done to his satisfaction or if I complained because he wanted to go out and I didn't feel like it. Of course,  I loved him so I'd just shut up and let him go out and get drunk. Then, he'd come back home (if he did) and would shake the bed until I'd wake up because his libido was on full alert. I won't go into details but let's just say that what happened wasn't pleasant.
The insults, arm squeezes and sexual intimidation continued after I was pregnant. When I gave in to the sex, he was like a kitten but if I was too tired, there was hell to pay. The fat comments turned into slut, bitch etc and now, I would get kicked when something wasn't going his way. All along, his alcohol and drug problems escalated and like any woman in that kind of relationship, I thought it was my fault. So, I'd make sure the house was clean, food was hot and always his favorites and gave him sex whenever he wanted thinking that it would smooth things out but it never did."
Read more of Isabelle's story on the Personal Stories page. 

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